Points ([lastupdated])

Place Points Scored Guisborough Stokesley Eston Thornaby Saltburn Northallerton Final Total
20-Jan 17-Feb 03-Mar 21-Apr 12-May 23-Jun 07-Jul
1 Guisborough 179 X 217 204 223 X 307 1130
2 Northallerton 177 186 X 158 X 204 278 1003
3 Saltburn & Marske 122 135 X X 147 161 228 793
4 Stokesley 127 142 163 125 X X 209 766
5 Eston X 97 106 X 128 140 175 646
6 Thornaby X X 104 85 94 90 DNC 373
Place Place Points Guisborough Stokesley Eston Thornaby Saltburn Northallerton Final Total
20-Jan 17-Feb 03-Mar 21-Apr 12-May 23-Jun 07-Jul
1 Guisborough 4 X 4 4 4 X 6 22
2 Northallerton 3 4 X 3 X 4 5 19
3 Stokesley 2 3 3 2 X X 4 14
4 Saltburn & Marske 1 2 X X 3 3 3 12
5 Eston X 1 2 X 2 2 2 9
6 Thornaby X X 1 1 1 1 DNC 4


Will be posted here following the conclusion of each event

Moor League Recording Guisborough 20th January 18

Results Moor League Recording Stokesley 17th February 18

Results Moor League Recording Eston 3 March 18

Moor League Recording Thornaby 21 April 18

Moor League Recording Saltburn 12th May 18

Moor League Recording Northallerton 23rd June 18

Results Final Moors League Recording 7th July 2018 Results