Points ([lastupdated])

Place Points Scored Eston Stokesley Guisborough Saltburn Northallerton Final Total
19-Jan 02-Mar 18-May 01-Jun 29-Jun 06-Jul
1 Guisborough 4 4 3 4 X 5 20
2 Northallerton 3 3 4 X 4 4 18
3 Stokesley X 2 1 3 3 3 12
4 Saltburn & Marske 2 X 2 2 2 2 10
5 Eston 1 1 X 1 1 1 5
Place Points Scored Eston Stokesley Guisborough Saltburn Northallerton Final Total
19-Jan 02-Mar 18-May 01-Jun 29-Jun 06-Jul
1 Guisborough 198 197 172 201 X 227 995
2 Northallerton 184 188 174 X 182 200 928
3 Stokesley X 136 130 171 161 194 792
4 Saltburn & Marske 144 X 136 131 150 160 721
5 Eston 68 79 X 96 103 108 454


Will be posted here following the conclusion of each event

1 Moor League Recording Eston 19th January 19

1 Moor League Recording Stokesley 2 March 19

1 Moor League Recording Guisborough 18 May 19

1 Moor League Recording Saltburn 1 June 19

1 Moor League Recording Northallerton 29 June 19

Final Moors League Recording 6th July 2019 Results